A Good Trip Was Had By All
(our trip to California in photos)

We stayed at my mom's house with her and her two young shih tzu dogs who looked exactly like Ewoks from Star Wars. And no, I probably didn't spell ewok correctly, and I'm not going to look it up like I did "Shih tsu" because it probably isn't in the dictionary, being fictional creatures and all. Chick and the little dogs got along pretty well after some initial fear on the shih tzus part because Chick hopped around them like an amped up tar-black beast sent from the devil to torment them. As soon as they figured out that that's her way of asking them to play they had a good time. This lovely succulent/vase arrangement is typical of my mom, she has a way of making everything around her gorgeous. I envy her her ability to outshine Martha in so many ways.

This is my mom. I love her. She's a nutty lady and we've had a lot of ups and downs, but she's also been a tremendous inspiration to me in my creative life. Plus, she's made lots of mistakes with her own life so that I don't have to make the same ones. (I don't rejoice in those mistakes, in case you think I'm some kind of evil ingrate. Also, she didn't make them for my benefit. When you live largely and colorfully you are bound to make more mistakes than someone who lives quietly and timidly). She's a daring, creative, fun person to call mom. She graciously let us take over her house for a whole week. Thanks Mom!!

Unfortunately my mom does not control the universe or things like this would never pop up. Does anyone know what the hell kind of fungus this is? It looks like vomit oozing tang. I actually think it's magnetically fascinating which is how come I took a picture of it to share with everyone. That nature creates so many really vibrant fungi never ceases to amaze me. I think this one would probably kill you if you ate it.

This is Myra. We had a great time haning out at their house which is just a block and a half from our old house which is just a few blocks from my mom's house. Myra and Adam have two boys that Max is good friends with. They've been busy this summer growing lots of great vegetables in their garden and pickling their own home grown cucumbers! I got a jar of them and they're quite good. I wish I could have done some pickling with them, that would have been fun. I know that next year I'm going to find out they've dug a root cellar.

This is Adam with Dylan, their oldest son who's a Capricorn just like me.

Philip kicking back at their house in the warm sunshine. Why go to Mexico for sun when you can visit friends in California?

I love the garden that Myra and Adam built. So much prettier than the one I grew this summer. It inspires me to plan out a pretty garden this year. Will I have time to do anything? My very close friend Sid, her husband Dennis, and their wonderful kid Joschka might be coming for a visit in April and Sid says she's hankering for some time with a power drill and some earthy project....so I'm thinking she and I can build some raised beds while the guys hand us beer after beer to slake our hard earned thirst. We are women of grit. I kind of feel like we will need some peasanty outfits to compliment our farmy activities.

This is Sharon and Ben who are the wife and child of Norman who I've known for over sixteen years. Sharon has become a very close friend with whom I garden and swap home canned goods and share tea with. She's an exceptional artist (you can check out her work at her website: www.sharoneisley.com). But right now she's in the middle of creating a brother for Ben to bicker with. Her new addition will be coming along sometime around the new year. Another Capricorn...Yay!)

This is Ben's camera face. You know what I'm talking about, all little kids develop a face they think is appropriate for every photo-op. Always they look so funny and they don't know why.

Sharon teaches art for little kids at a kid's center in Sebastopol. I love how these pumpkins look a little bit like voodoo squash. I want to make some next year. Do you think they would let me take the class too?

New sock/shoe combo. Makes me happy.

Sharon has been caring for my rare Kaiserin Freiderich rose (plus some other barrels of goodies) since we fled the state in April with only the things we could carry on our backs and in a huge semi that wouldn't allow barrels of plants in it. My rose is super healthy, and I think this picture explains the true power of petrolium. Who knew?

Boys are so hard to capture on film without blurring them. Action. Constant movement and action. Sometimes I like pictures of them in movement even though they aren't crisp, they capture the real spirit of these beings in constant motion. This is Arthur, a very good friend.

This is a baby quilt I made for Ben. I still really love it. All of it was hand pieced and hand quilted. The machine was only used to sew the batting, front, and back together. It took me a few months to complete.

This was my house. It's not mine anymore. I'm just waiting for the new owners to paint it a really uninspiring beige color, or perhaps restore it to its previous fleshy band-aid color. Personally, (I'm about to say something so obvious it's going to knock your socks off), I love the pink. It's not an original combo, check out Monet's house in Giverny. Same paint job. I couldn't paint my current house the same way because it lacks the mediteranian thing that makes the pink seem so warm and good. Do I feel sad not to live in that house any more? Not really, though I am kind of jealous that we had plumbing difficulties for the four years we owned it and then had to bless the new owners with brand new plumbing two days before moving. We barely got two or three worry-free flushes in before handing it over to the new people who I'm sure take it for granted the black sludge does not ooze up into their tub. I really think the least they could do is send us a fruit basket in thanks. But no, my new house is extremely boring in comparison, but it has a lot going for it and once we actually have a steady income I hope to improve on it's good but boring bones.

Max's sixth birthday party was so much fun for him. He was like a wild little heathen shrieking and hollering with all the other boys up and down the stairs of my mom's house. Present opening can be a group activity. I had to face something finally, at Max's party, that's been creeping up on me for quite a few years now. I hate parties. I like small calm gatherings. A busload of screaming children all in one house makes me feel like collapsing in a heap of camille-like weakness. I have a lot of involuntary anxiety over throwing parties and going to parties. I have been doing my level best to ignore the on-set of this annoying little problem but my body is getting seriously involved now so that I must face it. Not just palpitations, but also knotted stomach, and worse yet, no, I try to be open about the whole being crazy gig- but some things I just can't say outloud. Suffice it to say that I either need to do some serious work on myself to be able to face parties, or I need to stop having them and going to them. The main thing is that Max had a great time and so did his friends.

Max and Sam have known each other since before they were born. They met in-utero in the natal-nautics class his mom and I met at. Sam lives in the woods where lots of ticks hang out waiting to attatch themselves to me. That's right, they are all waiting specifically for me. And they almost got me this time.

Sophie is Sam's sister and a little tough cookie who doesn't lack for beauty, charm, determination, stubbornness, and talent. She was doing some dances for me. And practicing flying like an angel.

Kid sandwiches are so funny. Until the tears come. But I love the crazy things kids get up to.

Wait, more party pictures. I thought we were done with those. Weird how I can surprise myself like that. I love this picture of Max with his balloons.

Grown ups waiting to put out the sugar-amped fires that flare up amongst children when allowed to roam free and graze endlessly from the bounty of the sweet life.

Just for the record, I don't sing "Happy Birthday". Also for the record, because this was my boy's birthday and he's been looking forward to it avidly for an entire year, I did actually try again for the first time in a couple of years. I had to stop for two reasons. 1) I can never stay on key with this tune so I hate hearing the grating notes in my own ears which sound sour when they should sound sweet. and 2) I always start to choke up which embarrasses me.

That's Nicole in the purple. We went out drinking afterwards. I agreed to go to the Russian River Brewery, which I never go to because there's too many people there making way too much noise. Anyone surprised that I don't like to go to hip places where people pack themselves in like a bunch of pickles in a jar? Luckily it wasn't too crowded for once and I enjoyed hanging out with Nicole who is a really funny lady.

This is Black Butte. A sharp steep volcanic peak which always strikes me as intensely formiddable and yet every single time I pass right by it's steep base which practically touches I-5 I want to get out of the car and scramble up it's sides until I reach the top where I would probably immediately die of a heart attack. I'm not sure why I find it so compelling. But now again, as it did for seven years of my youth, it points the way home. When you pass this spot you are really close to the Oregon border and it always felt so good to get to that place on the road as a kid coming back from California. Only now my home isn't just an hour and a half away, it's still seven or eight hours away. Who cares. One of these days I'm going to tell Philip to stop the car, I'm going to get out, and I'm going to climb until I can go no further, where the air is thin and metalic and I'm going to feel it swell in my blood as I look out over the landscape like the lording goat I am.
You all know how scared of heights I am, right?