Introspection happens. I think I generally go about my business having a pretty clear sense of self and direction. I know what I love doing, I know what I'm not, I know who I am, and I know what I want out of life. I have periodic crisis' like every other normal-
ish human being, such as recently when I closed my store, which I consider to be one of those necessary little glitches in life that give firm foundation to beliefs and ideas by testing them.
Self Definition. When I was seventeen I had a very different idea of what my life was going to be. I can tell you that I wasn't going to get married, I certainly wasn't ever going to be a mother, and I was going to distinguish myself in the world of fashion. You were all going to know my name by now. It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a hope, it was a certainty. I knew that's what I was going to do. I had the fire in me to know I could conquer almost anything. I admit that part of that fire was fueled by anger I'd accumulated from my experiences growing up, but it did it's job, propelling me forward.
This morning I went to an old friend's business website and saw how her business and her world have expanded and is now flourishing, and of course, she is as gorgeous as she was the day I met her seventeen years ago. She's distinguished herself by sticking to her road, providing excellent quality in her field, and by having a great deal of self discipline. Which is also how she's managed to remain trim and fit. I don't grudge her her success or physical health because she's worked as hard to get where she is as I have worked to become ever larger through a very weak link to self discipline and to take the windy path to
no wheres-ville.
I have to say it kind of hurts to see her be what I had believed I would be. To see her achieve something so good, so clear, and she's even dressing celebrities. My old friend: dressing celebrities. I am too fat to "dress" myself. I wonder sometimes if I had never quit smoking and never discovered the comfort of beer, if I would have taken a straighter path. Where am I headed even now?
Self Definition. Most of the time what I want more than anything is to be a housewife. I'm happy being a housewife. I've found peace in that. And writing. But I will write no matter what because it's what keeps my spirit from tanking in the dark. Will I ever distinguish myself? Will anyone ever be glad I kept at it so that I could offer something useful, something shiny to the literary world? Does it even matter? Fame, fortune, and a distinguished life: do these things really matter in the end? Do I need to distinguish myself in order to feel I've been enough in this life?
I got married. I had a kid. A lot of glittery dreams went to the wayside after that. I found home. Home seemed so much better and fulfilling than runways, flashbulbs, or write-ups in Elle magazine. I found myself wanting to champion everyone who stays home. Everyone who makes home a wonderful place to be.
When I was drafting the apron that got accepted into the apron book, I felt some of the old stirrings. The passion to be drafting garments, no matter how utilitarian. I felt the pull to get back to my fashion roots. It was like going back in time twenty years to my design and development class in which I got an A for a line I designed within a twenty four hour time period. (Because I was a last-minute-Jane back then, not as a special design challenge). I felt such a rush designing and doing my cost sheets. I was in my element.
But what does that really mean, to be in one's "element"? Does one have only one element, or does one have many? I am all at sea, not a sensation I'm particularly used to. What is it I'm supposed to be doing with this life of mine? I couldn't go back to just being in the world of fashion because now I have tasted the satisfaction inherent in centering my life around urban homesteading activities. I couldn't leave that.
It's strange to watch a good friend rise in the world to a respected place, a somewhat glittery atmosphere, while I am quietly living in the shadows, not knowing what I'm supposed to reach for. To watch someone you were close to, and thought of as a part of your personal domain, slowly drift into another world feels unreal. She belongs to everyone now. I can watch, like everyone else, how she defines herself.
Self definition. I have always felt I was put on this earth to give something specific to it. But what is it? My road has been so full of twists, pot holes, intersections. Will I ever even know what it is I'm supposed to do for everyone, or will I do it unwittingly and have it expressed in my eulogy? What can I do to leave this planet a tiny bit better than it was when I arrived? When I was sixteen I thought that perhaps my main purpose is to be a voice for suicides. I thought that if I could help even one person relight their own burnt out spirit I would have done what I came for.
Self definition. The purpose of life is to survive. That's the ultimate answer to the existential question of why we're all here. On a primal level there is no other reason we're here. But on a spiritual level this isn't true, is it? I am always trying to tell people not to worry so much about their purpose. I think it's time I stopped saying that when I myself feel so bound to purpose.
If I let life unwind organically, will I manage to get at the core of it all? It seems that if one wants to actually achieve something specific, one must actually focus on that specific thing and not take their eyes off the road until they reach that destination.
I was just talking with a good friend about these matters the other day. Purpose, achievement, passions. For those of us with a hundred passions, how do you narrow your focus onto just one or two which is really what's called for in the pursuit of success of any kind. The current popular wisdom seems to be that we don't need to limit ourselves, we can do everything. Why choose? We can be everything we want to be, we can have it all.
I contest this wisdom. I have learned that this isn't true. Your power is spread too thin when you try to be everything, do everything, have everything. This is even true of celebrities who reach for it all. What started off as their magic touch turns into a very tired ad campaign for every product imaginable.
Beyonce is a great example of this. Music, fashion, perfume, make-up, acting. Obviously she'll do the whole motherhood thing too because if she didn't, she wouldn't be completing the whole picture. The more I see her in ads the less I respect her. Others will grow tired of the
Beyonce onslaught too. If she had mostly stuck to music, her power would be stronger.
What is it I'm supposed to focus on? How do I define myself? Here are words I use to describe myself:
poet, writer, fat, mom, wife, traditional, rebellious, contrary, designer, crafter, gardener, quick, critical thinker, crazy, empathetic, excited, interested, burning, strong, smart, political, domestic, prickly, cook, deadpan, underdog champion, fierce, obnoxious, urban homesteader, pioneer, awake, screaming at the top of my lungs.Screaming. My spirit is screaming but I can't make out what it's saying. It's all at once too loud and too far away to articulate. It's been screaming for a long time. There's a flight somewhere waiting for me. I know I haven't gotten there yet. Wherever "there" is. I need to fly but I'm wearing a hundred-weight of crap. Plus I haven't got any wings.
I keep thinking that my job is to live a good life. To make beautiful things. To learn to be a good mom. To find balance, to attend to balance, to nurture balance in all things. It isn't necessary to "be something". What about just being?
But then there's this other part of me that knows there's something else I've got to do. Sometimes I still have the same conviction that I did when I was sixteen: that I write for more than just myself. That I write to help the voiceless. The most ridiculous image is in my head this minute. I am lighting a torch for my mentally ill brethren. Demanding better care. Bringing our spirits out of the dark, away from the fringe. There aren't enough torch bearers for us. But who the hell am I to think I have something valuable to give the clamor of the mad?
Self Definition is a bitch.