It's not a secret that I don't play games.
I was once accused by a friend of possibly enjoying not playing games just to be different and to make a fuss. Lord, like I need any extra ways to make a fuss, I can do that in my sleep.
What constitutes games? So glad you asked: board games,
parlour games, group games, this extends into group activities that are structured to be "fun" (like games), card games, word games, any activity that comes with a set of rules to make the activity more "engaging", any activity with teams where the goal is to win, any activity in which you play against another person with the goal to win. I hate them all.
You might be asking yourself
"How can anyone not like something so fun?" Believe me, this is not an original question.
You might be thinking
"But, no one NORMAL hates games, surely?!" You have a point there that will surely keep me up at night.
It might occur to you to wonder
"What could have happened to lead a person to such a distaste for FUN?" Truly, it's on every one's mind.
I would like to try to answer these vexing questions for you.
First of all, I would like to point out that the experience of having fun is a highly subjective one, that we all experience fun in different ways and while it's true that the majority of humans seem to thrive on competitive games between each other and find it highly entertaining, (sometimes even laughing in response to the activity), for a few of us these activities are like taking a hot little elevator to hell and not coming back until all our hair is burned off of our bodies.
What kind of people don't enjoy games? Are any of these people NORMAL? In all honesty, probably not. I know that I am a person with a
clinical mental medical condition and it's entirely possible that everyone else who hates games has also got one (or a few). I think you may sooth your worries about personal safety though because these people tend not to be dangerous. More than likely they won't break your dishes in a fit of rage when they see the Scrabble board come out nor are they likely to suddenly sprout a third leg. However, don't be alarmed if you see them curl up in a ball in the corner of the room and start to drool.
As to the last question- how could this distaste for fun have come about? Was it a result of being hurt by fun? Is there a deep seated irrational fear or dark event in the past that has triggered this crippling distaste for all that is good and pure in the world along with kittens and ice cream?
I think I can only answer this question from my personal perspective. It all boils down to the fact that I am a socially retarded individual who finds nearly all group activities distressing in the same way that it would be distressing to try to swim with a group of kids if you were the only one who couldn't swim. It's like having to sing the national anthem naked in front of David Bowie. It's distressing to me on a molecular level. This equation may explain things a little more clearly:
people+rules+competition=desire to peel own skin off face.
What some people perceive as "fun" is to me like
water torture.The only card game I've ever liked was solitaire.
Because I can play it ALONE.Yes, that's right, I'm a loner. A lone wolf. A real
rebel. Oh yeah, I like to really shake things up and enjoy making everyone uncomfortable with my zany ways.
The truth is, (and Philip will back me up here), I don't like not liking games. It isn't convenient. People always want to convert me to their game playing ways, like it's a religion I need to join. I would never have to tell anyone about my game-hate if it weren't for the fact that those who like to play games can't stand it when someone doesn't want to join them. They don't understand that the activities that they find "fun" fill me with dread.
I make exceptions for my kid. I have learned to play "Chutes and Ladders" with aplomb. I can play "Uncle Wiggly" without wanting to gouge my eyes out. And I did actually enjoy the recent chess playing with Max, but mostly because I knew I wouldn't win and he was enjoying teaching his mama something new.
However, I tried to play Monopoly with him a few times and got a nasty panic attack each time and finally had to tell my boys that I can't do it ever again.
For anyone who's interested, here is a list of the games I've played and hated: Old Maid, War, Monopoly, Clue, Candy Land, Dreidel, Scrabble (except with Philip), Operation, Croquet, Blockus, Trivial Pursuit, Charades, Twister, Pin The Tail, Twenty Questions, Bingo, relay races, baby shower games (!!!), hide and seek, Battleship, card games whose names I blocked out of memory for sanity protection, ouija board, Sorry, Connect Four, UNO,Yahtzee, and many many more.
The only game I've ever really enjoyed was Chinese Checkers. But I don't want to play it with you. The only reason why I don't dread it as much as the others is because of the clacking of the marbles on the metal base. It soothes me just like a crazy person might be soothed by the sight of pretty shiny things.
Here's a break down what it is about games that I find so horrifying:- Winners and losers. Life is already full of real opportunities to win and lose and it's pretty serious stuff. I hate anything that reenacts the winner/loser dynamic.
- I loath any kind of competition. I think this made my Dad think I was broken when I was a kid. It means I not only hate all games, I hate sports too. With a passion.
- Games remind me of dusty jokes with stale punch lines that you are still expected to laugh at. They aren't fun in exactly the same way that clowns aren't funny.
- Group activities freak me out.
- Games create an air of expectation and pressure that threaten to explode my head.
- Most people don't like losing and I am acutely uncomfortable with sore losers.
- Just as much as I am uncomfortable with ungracious winners.
- Games bring out a side in people I don't like being around.
I have had a total of 38 years to become intimately familiar with my aversion to games and in that time I have been pressured into trying many many games and been coerced into a shitload of "fun" group activities that have left little scars in my head. I have come to a point where I'm very comfortable with the idea of never playing another game. I don't feel I'm missing anything in my life besides a lot of really bad feelings, dread, and the resultant panic attacks.
So how do you deal with people like me? (Some of my friends are still trying to work this one out). You leave us be. You play your games and let us sit quietly and watch. I can say that I don't resent others playing games, and I encourage my friends in their pursuit of the fun games bring to them, I simply want to be allowed to sit by and not participate. I don't want to be heckled about it or harassed.
For those who are on a quest to try and convert me into a happy game player-
you will lose. How ironic is that? I know you will lose and it isn't because I'm being stubborn. I am merely trying to protect myself from activities that I know for a fact will make me panic, will make me itch from the inside of my bones out, will make me extremely miserable, and will guarantee disappointing my friends.
What I get to live with is that if I play games I will disappoint my friends, if I don't play games I disappoint everyone. It's not a good feeling and I don't enjoy having this issue with "fun". I don't enjoy being a person who doesn't like jokes with punch lines, clowns, balloons, practical jokes, games, sports, or group activities. It's something that has caused me plenty of grief, made me stand out like a sore thumb when what I really want to do is just blend in.
I forgive all my friends for not understanding this aspect of me. I forgive all the people who have tried to convert me, not understanding that it isn't a matter for conversion. I also forgive the people who aren't my friends who have looked at me like a freak when I decline a super exciting game of Twister because the idea of getting tangled up with a bunch of probably sweating bodies in uncomfortable positions didn't appeal to me.
Now all I can ask is that everyone forgive me for having an unfortunate quirk in my head and heart that make it impossible for me to be a participator. I really am human. That third leg is just left over from evolutinary change.
***Great diversionary tactic. Yeah? I am so shocked that there are still people out there who don't believe the evidence that supports the theory of evolution. There is so much evidence stacked up to support it that I didn't actually think it was still considered a theory by some people that has yet to be proved. I'd set to work to prove it to them, but wouldn't that be a little like someone trying to convince me that games are fun? I will let them be. I will let them be their own kind of freak.