The Skin And Bones Of Love
Civil Rights Is Not Just A Racial Issue

I am struggling to concentrate on the fact that I don't know how to do anything with the InDesign software and need a dummy book which means scootering in the rain to the library. Meanwhile my head is absolutely screaming inside at the bigotry that is still haranguing the homosexual sector of the population. I keep reading posts on other blogs about yet another attempt to keep gay people in domestic partnerships from becoming legally recognized as couples.
It is a civil rights issue and it just amazes me how we have to go through this all over again. The last time in our country that we fought over such issues was during the civil rights movement of the 1960's. You would think, that if we can recognize how wrong miscegenation laws were, we wouldn't need to cover the exact same territory again. And again.
Yes, I'm emotional right now. Apologies to those who dislike it when people believe passionately about anything. My passion doesn't actually interfere with my logic, which is lucky, and luckier still that I have logic at all when so many of my countrymen have none.
People (yes, mostly Christians) used to think it biblically wrong for a white person to have sex with a darker skinned person. What they were essentially arguing is that melanin in the skin is something that God cares a whole lot about and it offends him when people with different concentrations of melanin in their skin get together in the sheets. Worse yet when they get married and have babies and get the same rights as more "moral" unions.
A body, what it looks like, its racial profile, the color of its skin, the genitals that develop, the amount of hair it has, is all determined- not by evil or good qualities in a person- but by the particular combining of the genes donated by the body's earthly creators. Chromosomes decide what gender we are born with and hormones often have a strong influence on how our body functions and relates sexually.
Our bodies are just biological matter. Skin, bones, blood.
A penis is made up of the same essential material as a vagina.
Why does anyone care if people of the same gender decide to love and honor each other for the rest of their lives?
Perhaps an objection is that they cannot go forth and multiply which is the only reason for getting married, supposedly.
NEWS FLASH: the earth is overpopulated!!!
Many gay couples who want children either have one through a surrogate or adopt one. ONE. Maybe two. The very difficult aspect of similar gender prevents them from easily multiplying themselves and the expense of adoption does the same. When they adopt they are taking care of one of the products of disastrous unions between man+woman. Children are littering the earth and not being taken care of.
So it seems to me that gay marriage might possibly provide something we really need: loving homes for children abandoned (for whatever reason) by pro-life parents.*
You know what? Since my country made laws preventing gay couples from being legally married, we should make a law preventing anyone who masturbates from being married. Cause you know what? Supposedly god doesn't really appreciate that either. Wanna guess how many people masturbate at some point (or all points) of their lives?!
Maybe you haven't ever done it, and gosh, go bless yerself for showing such delightful restraint... but I have never met a man who hasn't enjoyed regular sessions of self loving and why not? And women? Women are much less likely to admit it (being so coy about such things in spite of women's lib) but are just as likely to be enjoying some sexy sessions with themselves too.
I really think it's time to appreciate that being gay is just one different but unharmful way to love another human being and when a gay couple wants to settle down together and make a steady life with vows to support each other and protect each other it is just as beautiful as when it's between a man and a woman.
Skin, bodies, bones, teeth, hormones: each and every one of us is made up of exactly the same materials. The only difference between us is in how those hormones, bones, water, skin, chemicals, and matter are distributed according to the map of our individual genes. There is no moral value inherent in the way one body lacks testosterone and another has different neurological wiring; or how one body has one x chromosome and another has two; or how one body's skin lacks pigment and another has a lot of it.
We are all made of the same matter. When any two adult bodies come together consensually there is no moral value attributable to their union of flesh. Moral value is attributable to behavior. When you look at a couple, the only thing you should be concerned about is how they treat themselves, each other, and the world outside of them.
I sent my Oregon ballot in today. Voting is done. I am no less tense than anyone else about the outcome. If McCain wins I will have to fight off a very strong desire to leave my country. I happen to love Oregon and my little town in it, and can't afford to move, so I won't. But it will be painful to face the next few years here. I am so sick and tired of my country's downward slide since Bush took office.
I wish I could go vote on proposition 8 in California. All I can say is: I give you my support! Equal rights for gay people is just as important as racial equality and gender equality is to me. I see no difference in the issue and my spirit is with you. I hope like hell that proposition 8 is voted down.
Added later: I also wish my own state would keep fighting to allow gay marriages. California was really trailblazing deciding to legally recognize marriages between same sex partners. You'd think that a state that legally recognizes an individual's right to kill themselves when terminally ill would be progressive enough to allow gay marriage. Perhaps it's coming soon.
I would like my brain to stop spinning now. I would like to feel hopeful about the future in my country. So I'm going to go do what I always do when I'm feeling buzzing mad or barely able to keep myself from imploding: cook food.
*I'm not working on any assumption here. If a woman opts to give birth to a child she doesn't want or can't take care of she is demonstrating a belief in pro-life. All those unadopted children out there flooding the foster care systems are the results of choosing life. No matter where you stand on the issue, the many unadoptable children in this country are direct results of choosing "life". I honestly don't see how it is morally alright to give birth and abandon your baby to the state but not alright to kindly spare a tiny being such a life. But whatever. AAAARGH.
It is a civil rights issue and it just amazes me how we have to go through this all over again. The last time in our country that we fought over such issues was during the civil rights movement of the 1960's. You would think, that if we can recognize how wrong miscegenation laws were, we wouldn't need to cover the exact same territory again. And again.
Yes, I'm emotional right now. Apologies to those who dislike it when people believe passionately about anything. My passion doesn't actually interfere with my logic, which is lucky, and luckier still that I have logic at all when so many of my countrymen have none.
People (yes, mostly Christians) used to think it biblically wrong for a white person to have sex with a darker skinned person. What they were essentially arguing is that melanin in the skin is something that God cares a whole lot about and it offends him when people with different concentrations of melanin in their skin get together in the sheets. Worse yet when they get married and have babies and get the same rights as more "moral" unions.
A body, what it looks like, its racial profile, the color of its skin, the genitals that develop, the amount of hair it has, is all determined- not by evil or good qualities in a person- but by the particular combining of the genes donated by the body's earthly creators. Chromosomes decide what gender we are born with and hormones often have a strong influence on how our body functions and relates sexually.
Our bodies are just biological matter. Skin, bones, blood.
A penis is made up of the same essential material as a vagina.
Why does anyone care if people of the same gender decide to love and honor each other for the rest of their lives?
Perhaps an objection is that they cannot go forth and multiply which is the only reason for getting married, supposedly.
NEWS FLASH: the earth is overpopulated!!!
Many gay couples who want children either have one through a surrogate or adopt one. ONE. Maybe two. The very difficult aspect of similar gender prevents them from easily multiplying themselves and the expense of adoption does the same. When they adopt they are taking care of one of the products of disastrous unions between man+woman. Children are littering the earth and not being taken care of.
So it seems to me that gay marriage might possibly provide something we really need: loving homes for children abandoned (for whatever reason) by pro-life parents.*
You know what? Since my country made laws preventing gay couples from being legally married, we should make a law preventing anyone who masturbates from being married. Cause you know what? Supposedly god doesn't really appreciate that either. Wanna guess how many people masturbate at some point (or all points) of their lives?!
Maybe you haven't ever done it, and gosh, go bless yerself for showing such delightful restraint... but I have never met a man who hasn't enjoyed regular sessions of self loving and why not? And women? Women are much less likely to admit it (being so coy about such things in spite of women's lib) but are just as likely to be enjoying some sexy sessions with themselves too.
I really think it's time to appreciate that being gay is just one different but unharmful way to love another human being and when a gay couple wants to settle down together and make a steady life with vows to support each other and protect each other it is just as beautiful as when it's between a man and a woman.
Skin, bodies, bones, teeth, hormones: each and every one of us is made up of exactly the same materials. The only difference between us is in how those hormones, bones, water, skin, chemicals, and matter are distributed according to the map of our individual genes. There is no moral value inherent in the way one body lacks testosterone and another has different neurological wiring; or how one body has one x chromosome and another has two; or how one body's skin lacks pigment and another has a lot of it.
We are all made of the same matter. When any two adult bodies come together consensually there is no moral value attributable to their union of flesh. Moral value is attributable to behavior. When you look at a couple, the only thing you should be concerned about is how they treat themselves, each other, and the world outside of them.
I sent my Oregon ballot in today. Voting is done. I am no less tense than anyone else about the outcome. If McCain wins I will have to fight off a very strong desire to leave my country. I happen to love Oregon and my little town in it, and can't afford to move, so I won't. But it will be painful to face the next few years here. I am so sick and tired of my country's downward slide since Bush took office.
I wish I could go vote on proposition 8 in California. All I can say is: I give you my support! Equal rights for gay people is just as important as racial equality and gender equality is to me. I see no difference in the issue and my spirit is with you. I hope like hell that proposition 8 is voted down.
Added later: I also wish my own state would keep fighting to allow gay marriages. California was really trailblazing deciding to legally recognize marriages between same sex partners. You'd think that a state that legally recognizes an individual's right to kill themselves when terminally ill would be progressive enough to allow gay marriage. Perhaps it's coming soon.
I would like my brain to stop spinning now. I would like to feel hopeful about the future in my country. So I'm going to go do what I always do when I'm feeling buzzing mad or barely able to keep myself from imploding: cook food.
*I'm not working on any assumption here. If a woman opts to give birth to a child she doesn't want or can't take care of she is demonstrating a belief in pro-life. All those unadopted children out there flooding the foster care systems are the results of choosing life. No matter where you stand on the issue, the many unadoptable children in this country are direct results of choosing "life". I honestly don't see how it is morally alright to give birth and abandon your baby to the state but not alright to kindly spare a tiny being such a life. But whatever. AAAARGH.